New Mutants (US) Nation X (Nr. 516)

New Mutants (US) Nation XAutorMatt Fraction
ZeichnerGreg Land
ColoristJustin Ponsor

Scalphunter learns that he was abducted by Lobe and his associates for a specific purpose - to fly a freighter plane with a very special cargo to Utopia, as Lobe plans to save mutantkind. On Utopia, everyone is startled by Magneto’s arrival. Xavier immediately begins to argue with Magneto, but Magneto announces he has come to speak to Cyclops. Cyclops orders Xavier to stand down, while Magneto gets to his knees and assures Cyclops he has come to talk. Despite Xavier’s continuing protests, Cyclops accepts Magneto’s offer, and Magneto proceeds to explain his quest to unlock the riddle of M-Day, and how regained his powers. Magneto congratulates Cyclops on uniting mutant kind unlike he or Xavier ever could. Soon, Scalphunter approaches Utopia, but the X-Men are reluctant to let him land, despite him claiming he is seeking sanctuary. Non-combatants are sent to safety, while, Nightcrawler teleports on board to check out Scalphunter’s cargo - only to discover several Predator X creatures aboard!



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